Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hack your Nokia: Change '0' shortcut to Bluetooth on/off on Nseries.

Bluetooth can be turned on/off by pressing the * key on some Eseries devices like the Nokia E66 and Nokia E71. This shortcut is not available on the Nseries phones. By hacking your Nseries S60 phone, there’s a patch that lets you change the ‘0′ shortcut that usually opens the web browser. By turning on bluetooth only when you need it, you can save battery life and prevent unwanted file transfers.
The first thing you need is a hacked Nokia S60 phone. You can find out how to do this by reading How To Hack your S60 Phone guide.

The instructions below include editing the original ChangeBrowserOnKey.rmp patch by FCA00000 and uploading it to your phone. The modified code is then shown afterwards for the bluetooth shortcut. If you don’t want to read about the modification, just scroll all the way down for the end result. Note: The code’s formatting might not appear properly on RSS readers.

All I did was change the code so that the bluetooth menu opens. You can change it to anything you want as long as you know the application’s UID code.

Original Code by FCA0000
Below is the original code from FCA00000. Unmodified, pressing 0 will open Opera Mini if you have that installed. Continue reading below to change it to bluetooth instead. Notice that lines starting with ‘;’ are comments

01.; *** ChangeBrowserOnKey0 1.0 ***
02.; *** Change Browser On Key '0' ***
03.; Author: fca00000 , fca00000-at-yahoo-dot-es
04.; Date: 2008.06.01
05.; Firmware: tested on N80 v 5.0719.02 . Might work on preFP1+FP1
07.; When phone is in the StandBy screen, pressing key '0' opens the default browser.
08.; With this patch, you can open any other application.
09.; You need to know its UID. Then, swap bytes to little-indian to get xxDIUxxx. In other words: 0x12345678 becomes 78563412
10.; For example:
11.; FExplorer UID = 0xE00012DF therefore xxDIUxxx=DF1200E0
12.; Calculator UID = 0x10005902 therefore xxDIUxxx=02590010
13.; OperaMini UID = 0x101D3166 therefore xxDIUxxx=66311D10 In this case, be aware that it takes some time (5 seconds) to open.
15.; then, the patch becomes:
16.; SnR:sys\bin\phone.exe:398D00100000000000000000:xxDIUxxx0000000000000000
17.; SnR:sys\bin\phone.exe:398D00100100000035000000:xxDIUxxx0100000035000000
18.; As far as I know, nothing is broken. But I decline all responsability, of course.
19.; Anyway, here it is. Enjoy
20.; end of ChangeBrowserOnKey0

Modified Code For Bluetooth:
Below is the code for bluetooth shortcut. Since the The UID for bluetooth menu is 10005951, convert it to little-endian which results in 51590010. See how the conversion is done? You convert ABCDEFGH to GHEFCDAB. The only modifications done are in the last two lines of the original code.

1.; *** Change Browser On Key '0' to Bluetooth ***

  • Copy and paste this code to a new text file and make sure to save it with a .rmp extension.
  • Transfer it over to the E:/patches folder. Create it if it is not already there.
  • Enable it on ROMPatcher (see: How to Hack S60 phones) and set it to autorun so you won’t need to reactivate it after reboot.

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